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The Greatest


The Greatest

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The Greatest a pour objectif de véhiculer la mode masculine en célébrant la liberté !
Le magazine souhaite nous éloigner de «l’effet de mode » qui pousse au mimétisme.
Mettre en avant le meilleur de soi est la devise de cette revue.
Les hommes mis en scène dans les publications sont toujours libres de s’exprimer et ne portent que des collections qu’ils ont eux-mêmes choisies.
Les publications nous parlent de la beauté, l’élégance et l’intelligence à travers la création.
The Greatest ne suit aucune règle, il reste libre et rêveur.

The Greatest is the ultimate free man.
The idealist who creates, chases his dreams, and makes himself aware. The aesthete who’s entitled to pick and choose his collection of clothes in his pursuit of Beauty.
The independent man of his time who won’t let his time enslave him.
The storyteller who documents the history and tells the story of men’s contemporary fashion through words, art and photography.
The dreamer who seeks, explores, and searches out of curiosity, necessity and nature.
Smart, mannerly and sophisticated.
He offers his point of view unapologetically and unpretentiously.
The greatest is nothing but a soul wandering around the world wearing what he feels.